This site including, without limitation,
links to other site, purveyors, providers, and vendors of
other goods, services, ads, or other information of every
kind and type, are made available by Danielle Ashley Music,
Inc. on an “as is”
basis. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall
Danielle Ashley Music, Inc., Danielle Ashley, individually
or collectively with Danielle Ashley Music, Inc. or other
third parties be liable or responsible in law or in equity
to you or any other person for any damage or damages that
may arise or result from the use of this site and its contents.
The foregoing notwithstanding, Danielle Ashley Music, Inc.
its songs, sound recordings and performances, together with
all other musical works, intellectual and otherwise, are
original and the sole property of Danielle Ashley Music,
Inc. or Danielle Ashley.
To continue offering Danielle Ashley’s music worldwide,
Danielle Ashley Music, Inc. vigorously defends its copyrights.
Obey federal law by paying for the music you select, download,
copy or otherwise transmit.
Photographs on this site may not be copied without the express
written permission of the copyright owner.
Music and Lyrics by Danielle Ashley
Produced by Anthony J. Resta
Recorded and Mixed by Karyadi Sutedja
Mastered by Joe Gastwirt Mastering
This website was created by BlueIrisWebdesign.com, providing website
design and search engine optimization in the Boston area.
Photography by Nina
© 2006-2018 Danielle Ashley Music Inc.